
“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.”

– Thomas Jefferson

Naturally, if you live in an authoritarian country or you’re just someone who cares about their privacy, you don’t want your visit to this site logged and recorded by the powers that be. So with my technical knowledge, I have re-posted every single post ever written on the Thought Foundry Blog (now known as Red Liberty) from its early beginnings in 2016 up till now, onto the censorship resistant internet, or the “darknet” as it is sometimes referred to. We actually have a small following on these censorship resistant communities, and it’s always fun to have discussions with people whose true identities you don’t know and can’t know by design! I actively strive to keep these mirrors updated. However unlikely such a scenario is, it’s something kind of cool to think about: the state can’t realistically take Red Liberty offline without taking down the whole internet. Every activist should mirror their sites on these networks as a safe-guard against tyranny. To say to the state, “You can’t shoot me without shooting yourself in the foot”, now that’s what I call freedom of the press, of speech, of privacy and thought! Freedoms are not given, they are taken. And cryptography is the ultimate means to ensure the survival of our rights in the digital age.

Alternative Links to Red Liberty

You will need special software to access some of these links!

Clearnet: https://redliberty.org (does run non-free Javascript)

I2P: redliberty.i2p

Tor: http://redlib23tokwmp5r2xjpz6uw64j6gvz3ppsv7agdbb3fj3gn2cnm3lid.onion (currently offline, will be up again eventually)

Current Freenet: USK@w-ZU5GEbWi~ncjsDf2ZW8T7ZgbSETTKazrXV9kZ05XA,DQOKDoUTbYYQ~sxJ65raXqP6bBBqxLX2tIUk25N2AFo,AQACAAE/RedLiberty/-1/

Old Freenet (TFB): USK@LGEtEIZMvoge10JtOUuvd8fpvlAShfSJgOCT32pTnjw,XpKJefEFQVRZic9~bWd6p4fSzrV-SqEbRCoMJ~oMqb0,AQACAAE/ThoughtFoundryBlog/29/


You can find more about these censorship resistant platforms and get the tools needed to use them here:





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